Lindsey Sablon’s iA story

The start of a career full of diverse experiences 

By welcoming interns, we invest in resources that would like to eventually pursue a career within our company. Lindsay is a perfect example: she came to us as an intern in the summer of 2008. “I held many different positions during my internship because I wanted to make the most of my time at the company. As such, they gave me the opportunity to do much more than what was originally planned at the beginning of my internship.”

Dedicated and experienced supervisors

In addition to a supervisor who is with them from the very start, interns can count on their new colleagues to provide assistance and answers. “There is always someone to ask if we need help. At iA, we are never left on our own.”

The beginning of a long relationship

Lindsay has been working for iA on the full-time basis since 2010 and her story is not unique: internships open all sorts of doors to students. “After graduation, I contacted the manager who supervised my internship; he immediately offered me a job in his team.” In fact, for us, internships are wonderful ways to discover talented students who wish to pursue a career with us.

Multiple development opportunities

We offer students the chance to develop and evolve in a professional environment where they may face a diverse array of challenges throughout their entire career. To this end, we invite them to demonstrate their interest for other positions that we post internally. “Team leaders encourage us to venture into other parts of the company to gain new experience so that we may continue to grow. I really appreciate this support.”

“I said that I wanted to learn more. They listened and gave me the opportunity to take on new challenges and succeed.”