(guaranteed income)

What is an annuity (guaranteed income)?

An annuity is a retirement income product that provides retirees with a stable, regular income in exchange for a lump-sum payment. You can choose between an annuity paid during a predetermined period (annuity certain) and an annuity paid and guaranteed until your death (life annuity).

Our FORLIFE Series also provides a guaranteed income for your entire life in addition to other advantages, such as a death benefit guarantee, access to your investment at all times and the potential to increase your annual income. It also gives you the opportunity to grow your money.

The main benefits of guaranteed income

  • Provides regular income, helping to secure your financial stability in retirement
  • Offers fixed payments that are not influenced by market volatility
  • Allows you to choose to receive either income for life or for a predetermined period

Our guaranteed income options


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