

Why buy travel insurance from iA Financial Group?

Whether you’re heading for the tropics or hopping across the border to go shopping, make sure you’re covered. And don’t forget about visitors from outside the country who aren’t protected during their stay in Canada.

Make sure you’re covered in case of medical emergencies away from home!

  • 24/7 emergency assistance
  • Multilingual customer service
  • No medical questions for travellers under 60
  • Simple medical health questionnaire for travellers 60+
  • Competitive coverage for pre-existing medical conditions
  • Our travel insurance claims provider, Claims at TuGo®, is there to help you get the best possible care

iA Travel Insurance meets yours needs!

Maximum coverage of five million dollars

If you need a hospital or clinic while away, our comprehensive coverage offers you the best care and treatment available. Provincial health plans cover less than 10% of travel medical bills; without sufficient travel insurance, you could be out-of-pocket for emergency health care, emergency dental services, ambulance fees, emergency air transportation, prescriptions, X-rays, return of your travel companion and more.

Whether you’re taking medication for your hypertension or have a lung condition like asthma, coverage is available for your pre-existing condition. Coverage is based on your age, the length of your trip and the stability of your medical condition.

Our simple Medical Health Questionnaire for travellers aged 60+ determines your rate, not your ability to get coverage.

Even the best plans can fall apart; it’s not just medical emergencies that keep people from travelling. Missed flights, travel delays, job loss, the death of a family member or a natural disaster can all ruin travel plans unexpectedly. Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption covers you if travel plans have to be cancelled before departure, or if they’re disrupted after the trip has begun.

There are two kinds of luggage in the world: carry-on and lost. When you have multiple stopovers in different cities, or if you’re travelling outside of Canada, be sure you’re protected against the loss, damage, destruction or theft of your baggage.

And much more

  • Accidental death and dismemberment insurance
  • Rental car protection
  • Coverage for contact sports, adventure sports and extreme sports
  • Visitor to Canada package
  • Non-medical package
  • All-inclusive holiday package
  • Insurance for international students (in Canada) and Canadian students (outside of Canada)

Did you know?

Without travel insurance, you could have to pay out-of-pocket for emergency expenses:

  • The average cost for a hospital stay in the United States is US$10,000 per day.
  • The government covers less than 10% of the total costs associated with an illness or injury outside of Canada.
  • A minor ear infection could end up costing thousands of dollars if you have to take another flight.

iA Travel Insurance is offered in partnership with TuGo.

Travel insurance advice