
Special markets

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Special Markets Solutions provides creative insurance solutions to match the needs of unique groups.

We work with groups of all kinds, including:

  • Professional associations
  • Financial institutions
  • Employer groups
  • Alumni associations
  • Educational institutions

Insurance products

We offer coverage for everything from special, short-term events through to the heavy-duty stuff, when 24/7 coverage is required.

The flexibility in our AD&D plans is the reason why we are the leading provider of special risk policies in Canada.

Even more than flexibility, great service is essential when it comes to AD&D. We offer quick replies to your questions, customized solutions and our promise that your clients get maximum value for their money.

Our group critical illness insurance can be offered as part of a complete benefits program or as stand-alone coverage.

  • Mandatory coverage that meets the needs of employers and employees, offering flexibility, affordability and financial support at a time when employees need it most.
  • Voluntary Coverage with flexible payment options for employer and affinity groups.
  • Multiple Event Coverage allows employees/members to claim for the diagnosis of more than one unrelated covered condition.
  • Pricing available with and without Waiver of Premium.
  • Marketing Support providing everything you need to promote your plan. Brochures, websites, posters, applications, postcards, and more. We 'll help you coordinate a marketing strategy that works for your group.

Our group life insurance can be customized for traditional employer groups, unions, high-risk occupations or affinity groups.

We offer Term Life Insurance plans with flexible coverage amounts and value-added benefits.

Full marketing support is provided with all our voluntary plans, making it easy for group members to purchase coverage.

Faced with medical emergencies and expenses away from home, people can't afford to wait.

Our processes and top-rate assistance providers mean our insured will get help fast. And, because we're all about customized solutions, we can tailor our medical insurance products in ways our competitors won't.

Expatriate Medical Insurance

Employees of Canadian companies who work overseas for extended periods are often ineligible for medical insurance under any Canadian provincial health insurance plans, or their employer's group medical/hospital insurance plans.

Special Markets Solutions’ group expatriate medical program offers coverage for expatriate employees, and their accompanying family, from the first dollar spent. Our coverage can be tailored to include dental and vision insurance, plus war risk insurance if required.

Inpatriate Medical Insurance

International students studying in Canada are generally ineligible for provincial health insurance plans, and non-Canadian employees have at least a three-month waiting period to gain provincial health insurance (dependent on individual provincial policy and type of visa issued). If faced with a medical emergency during this period, medical and hospital costs can be prohibitive.

Special Markets Solutions Inpatriate Medical Insurance offers two types of medical coverage plans to non-Canadians working or studying in Canada: Base and Comprehensive. Accompanying spouses and children can also be covered under these plans.

Business or pleasure? Out-of-province or out-of-country? A few days or a few months? No matter what your clients’ travel needs, we can customize a policy that’s right for them.

Get our superior travel medical insurance as a stand-alone policy, or wrap it up in a group benefits program. If your clients travel often, choose an annual plan and wave goodbye to filling out a form before every trip.

Whatever your clients’ situation, our provisions are liberal, and our exclusions are few, so your clients get the care they deserve no matter where they are.

Not only do we help parents with the unplanned costs associated with an accident, we help school boards to reduce potential accident insurance liability claims.

Blanket student accident insurance covers students while they are at school or on sanctioned school activities. If an accident happens, this coverage reduces costs to both parents and school boards. Coverage can also be purchased for teachers and other staff members. It is ideal for licensed daycares, pre-schools, elementary and secondary schools. We also offer customized student accident insurance programs for university or college students, as well as hospital medical insurance for foreign students studying in Canada.

Contact us

Have a question? Our client service specialists are happy to help!

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    • 400 988 Broadway West,
      PO Box 5900
      Vancouver, BC V6B 5H6

  • heure-ouverture


    • Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
      (Pacific Time)