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Acci 7 PLUS

Acci 7 PLUS is guaranteed issue, fully customizable accident insurance that offers 5 flexible coverages at an affordable $7/month per unit.

What is Acci 7 PLUS

Acci 7 PLUS offers flexible accident insurance for the whole family that lets you build your own customized coverage and adjust it according to your needs. Easy and affordable, you create your own insurance using 5 different coverages at $7/month each, which you can combine however you like!

Based on the coverages you choose, you could receive monthly payments to cover a period of disability, a lump sum in case of a fracture, or reimbursement for your medical expenses after an accident.

How does it work?

With Acci 7 PLUS you can customize your insurance according to your needs by selecting up to 5 of the following coverages at $7/month each:

  1. Disability in case of accident
  2. Accidental death, dismemberment or loss of use
  3. Accidental fracture
  4. Extended medical care further to an accident
  5. Hospital benefit in case of accident or illness

The cost is the same for everyone, regardless of age or gender. None of the benefits are taxable and payment is guaranteed in 7 days.

You can also use more than one unit of certain coverages to increase your benefits. For example, you could take 2 units of coverage for accidents in case of disability for a total of $14/month, which would make you eligible for monthly benefits of $1,400 per month.

It’s an ideal solution if you are:

  • Looking for affordable, accessible coverage that’s fully customizable
  • Looking to supplement your group insurance, for example, by adding accidental fracture coverage
  • A manual worker with a high risk of injury, and have trouble getting disability insurance
  • Someone with a precarious medical condition, and have been refused for individual insurance, or are afraid you will be
  • A new immigrant to Canada, looking for affordable accident insurance
  • Recently retired and no longer eligible for your health insurance plan
  • Unemployed, because Acci 7 PLUS is even offered to people who aren’t working!

Advantages of Acci 7 PLUS

  • Non-taxable benefits
  • No medical exam required
  • Flexible: fully customizable with 5 coverages to choose from based on your needs
  • Affordable: just $7 per month per coverage unit, regardless of your age, gender or employment status
  • Accessible to all: from 0 to 74 years old at the time of enrolment and up to 80 years old for the duration of the coverage.

Additional information

Canadian citizens:

  • Age 0 to 74 at the time of the application, except for the following coverages:
    • Disability in case of accident: accessible for those 18 to 74 years old
    • Hospital benefit (illness option): accessible for those 6 months to 74 years old
  • Not suffering from a chronic neurodegenerative disease or a permanent physical or intellectual disability
  • Not disabled at the time of the application
  • Covered by a provincial health insurance plan


People living in Canada for at least 12 months are eligible

1. Disability in case of accident

Whether you’re employed or not, a non-integrated monthly benefit of $700 per unit (1 or 2) is paid for total disability in case of an accident resulting in: hospitalization, dismemberment, fracture, major burn or major laceration. The payment is not subject to a waiting period. Benefits may be payable multiple times for a period of 7 months per accident.

2. Accidental death, dismemberment or loss of use

This coverage provides protection in the event of death, dismemberment or loss of use resulting directly from accidental bodily injury, up to $70,000 per unit, to a maximum of $350,000 (5 units). Benefits vary depending on the loss.

3. Accidental fracture

This coverage provides a lump-sum payment of up to $7,000 per unit (1 or 2) in case of accidental bone fracture. In the event of multiple fractures, only the fracture with the highest benefit amount will be paid. This coverage is very useful for manual workers such as construction workers, hairdressers, plumbers, etc., who might face work stoppage due to a fracture.

4. Extended medical care further to an accident

This coverage reimburses medically necessary expenses incurred in Canada after the accident. Expenses must have been incurred within 12 months of the date the accident took place. The lifetime limit for reimbursement of expenses is $100,000. Examples of expenses covered include: hospitalization, ambulance, private home care, laboratory analysis, equipment rental, professional fees (physiotherapist, chiropractor, …), etc.

5. Hospital benefit

You can choose between coverage in case of accident or in case of accident or illness. A daily benefit of $70 to $350 per day is paid for hospitalization in Canada or the United States, for a period of 18 hours or more, including day surgeries. You just have to answer a few additional questions for the hospital benefit coverage for accident or illness.

The coverage amounts vary based on the coverage selected and the number of units per coverage.

Disability $700 or $1,400 per month (non-integrated benefits)
AD&D Up to $350,000
Fracture Up to $14,000
Medical care Lifetime maximum of $100,000
Hospital benefit Accident OR illness: $70 to $350 per day, lifetime maximum of 700 days
Your policy may include additional terms and exclusions. These terms take precedence over any coverage mentioned on this page.