Renée Laflamme - A dynamo

Executive Vice-President, Individual Insurance, Savings and Retirement
Renée Laflamme puts her incredible energy at the disposal of iA Financial Group, a company that she’s propelled to excellence for over 20 years

Renée Laflamme is a veritable dynamo. As Executive Vice-President, Individual Insurance, Savings and Retirement at iA Financial Group, this young woman in her fifties travels across the country for meetings, lectures, analyses and business trips. She is also dedicated to several important causes (poverty, illness, etc.) without neglecting her spouse, their four grandchildren and her own well-being, which is focused around running, her pets and her plants.

"Let's just say that I have a crazy schedule; my assistant is a miracle worker!", states the woman who has worked with Denis Ricard, President and CEO, as Executive Vice-President, Individual Insurance, Savings and Retirement, since 2018. "In our industry, there are days and weeks of complete instability that have to be counterbalanced. When I look at everything, I want to achieve a certain equilibrium", continues the head of the Major Centraide-United Way Donations Committee.

After ten years working at a large accounting firm, Renée Laflamme arrived at iA Financial Group in 1998 and has continued to rise in the ranks. This certified professional accountant (CPA) believes she has taken a "typically iA" trajectory, characterised by increased talent mobility. The first female executive vice-president explains: "I had the opportunity to work in different sectors and see the different facets. These experiences allowed me to become comfortable with change."

This ability is a considerable asset in a market where digital strategies will have a greater presence in the years to come. If digital strategies and mobility have become more popular over the last few years under Yvon Charest’s leadership, there’s a strong chance the trend will continue under Denis Ricard. "In the past, our success was based on the quality of the advice we give and the products we offer. Our challenge now is to transpose this excellence in the world of technology, analyzes the woman who was awarded the title of Fellow CPA last year. I see it as an opportunity, not an issue."

Renée Laflamme gets her contagious energy from an insatiable desire to be a part of something bigger than herself. In her eyes, nothing is more important than the well-being of iA Financial Group, its four million clients and its 25,000 advisors. "You are never more important than the company you work for. It’s the same with the causes I’m involved with; if I can’t save lives, I can humbly contribute so that others can", she states.